I am horrible at checking my emails. I often forget I have one. I decided to check it tonight and let me tell you, there was nothing special. I did, however, have my attention grabbed when I saw an email from an old “friend” from school. Yup, good ol’ Springs Christian Academy, how I loved my years there (sarcasm doesn’t shine through well in a blog post). The subject of the email read “Time for God”. Now, I am a Christian, I like to think I love the Lord. So, if I think these things I should probably make time and read this very important email.
All I can say is “Get real!”
This email was nothing but a chain letter. The difference was this one had a nice Godly guilt trip at the beginning. “If you truly love the Lord you will send this to ALL the people on your email.”
Really?! That is what I will do if I truly love the Lord? OH! I feel so enlightened. Now I know how to show that I am truly a follower of my creator. Revelations through email! Who would have thought? What an age we live in.
Maybe I am in the wrong, but I can think of far better ways to show God I love him than sending a guilt trip chain letter to all my friends. The email pointed out that many people don’t make time for God. I do agree with this. However, reading this and then being told to send, send, send was a waste of my time.
Maybe I am hardened maybe I needed to read that email. Who knows? All I know is, there is far better ways to make time for God and encourage people to do the same than typing out a guilt trip email. Then telling all of your friends to send it to all of their friends.
Do I need to make more time for God? Yes, I do. Do I feel like my time was used wisely in reading that email? Not at all.
So needless to say, you, my friends will not be receiving this email from me.
Shine on, ya'll.