Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nothing like a Godly Guilt Trip.

I am horrible at checking my emails. I often forget I have one. I decided to check it tonight and let me tell you, there was nothing special. I did, however, have my attention grabbed when I saw an email from an old “friend” from school. Yup, good ol’ Springs Christian Academy, how I loved my years there (sarcasm doesn’t shine through well in a blog post). The subject of the email read “Time for God”. Now, I am a Christian, I like to think I love the Lord. So, if I think these things I should probably make time and read this very important email.

All I can say is “Get real!”

This email was nothing but a chain letter. The difference was this one had a nice Godly guilt trip at the beginning. “If you truly love the Lord you will send this to ALL the people on your email.”

Really?! That is what I will do if I truly love the Lord? OH! I feel so enlightened. Now I know how to show that I am truly a follower of my creator. Revelations through email! Who would have thought? What an age we live in.

Maybe I am in the wrong, but I can think of far better ways to show God I love him than sending a guilt trip chain letter to all my friends. The email pointed out that many people don’t make time for God. I do agree with this. However, reading this and then being told to send, send, send was a waste of my time.

Maybe I am hardened maybe I needed to read that email. Who knows? All I know is, there is far better ways to make time for God and encourage people to do the same than typing out a guilt trip email. Then telling all of your friends to send it to all of their friends.

Do I need to make more time for God? Yes, I do. Do I feel like my time was used wisely in reading that email? Not at all.

So needless to say, you, my friends will not be receiving this email from me.

Shine on, ya'll.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Winter.... Bring it. (Update included...)

I found myself in Home Depot. I was really just along for the ride. I really had nothing to look for, but I started looking at the huge snow blowers they have. I must say they got me excited for winter to roll in. I love winter. I got excited for that first snow fall, sitting quietly watching it fall. Waking up the next morning to a white lawn. I love it! I am pumped for heading out before the streets are plowed and throw the Jeep into 4 wheel drive and going for a rip, it brings me joy.
I feel like a child... Good times.

Moving on....
It has been a while since I last wrote anything. Probably disappointing for many people. I am sure people look forward to reading through my dry, poorly written posts.
BUT, I will still give a short update for all y'alls.
However, not much is worth updating.
I guess I will say, that lately I have been struggling with much. I have many questions in my head. Questions like "where is God calling me now?", "What am I called to do with my life?", "How can I better serve God?" and "What is the next step I need to take?"
Those are just a few examples.
I cannot answer any of those questions at this time. Which, at times, drives me crazy.
However, I believe that I may have an idea as to how to respond to one of those questions.
"What is the next step I need to take?"
For a long time I have struggled with the idea of baptism. For a few years I have thought I should go for it but it never felt "right". However, as of late it feels like the right step for me to take. I am pretty excited to take the plunge, so to speak. I believe it will help spark change in my mind and in my heart.
I love baptisms. Watching others show their love for Christ in that way really gets to me, so I am excited to finally be taking that step.

That is all I can think of for now.
Shine on all y'alls.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

House Sitter...

This weekend will be bringing me another new experience. I will be trying my hand at the game of house sitting. It might be that big of a deal, but I am excited to finally help out a family that has done so much and been so hospitable to me. When saying yes to this opportunity I failed to realize I will have lots of alone time with just me and my thoughts. Lately that has not been the best thing for me. Lately my head won't leave my head alone (Sweet Dave Matthews plug right there) but, who knows? Maybe this alone time will be good for me. One thing is for sure...

I will try my damnedest not to let dis bitch burn down.

Shine on.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I have a lot on my mind lately (surprising, I know)… most of it heavy for me.

I needed to get some thoughts out of my head in hopes that I will begin to have a clearer mind. I usually don’t like to share my more “personal” thoughts and learning’s. Insecurity I suppose. I have a fear that if I write what I have learned in a form that seems to be proposing it as a new idea to others, they will think “I figured this out long ago.” I have no idea why this stops me from writing them.

But with recent happenings I just want to get as much out of my head as I can.

I do not even care if people read this. This is just my release. I thought about the journal idea but, I can’t read my own writing should I want to read this on a later day.

I do enjoy when people read my thoughts and agree with them. However, this time I could care less if people read this or agree with it….

Could this whole post be coming from the slight bitterness I am feeling lately? Possibly, but I hope that in clearing my mind bitterness will not take over my head, again…

It is my goal to keep this post from sounding bitter, or bitchy. I am also planning to censor certain thoughts.

But, enough dicking around…

Lately I have been thinking of what people say is “their calling” or what is “meant to be.” I feel as though we sometimes use these words as a way out of things. It seems that in tough times we question whether if we are called to that place or if this is meant to be. In hard times it is almost like we say “This is not my calling” or “this was not meant to be” and we use it as a way to run from our problems. I am guilty of this. I have done it before, will do it again and would do it now if I had the opportunity. But I have come to believe that even if we are where we are called to or something is meant to be it will still take lots of work, we will still go through struggles and it will not always feel like the right thing.

If we are called to something or somewhere we still have to put work in. We can not hit cruise and forget about it.

I find people often say “If it is meant to be it will happen.” Again, it will happen IF we are willing to work for it to happen.

“God has a plan.” True, but it takes work on our part to follow this plan. Things won’t always fall into place for us making it nice and easy to follow His plan.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe that if something really is not our calling or is not meant to be, it will probably fall apart in one way or another. I am just sharing my thoughts on one side of this topic.

I often find myself in a place of unwillingness to work to find God’s plan for my life. It is something I hope to change.

Anyway, I think I have vented enough for today.

I hope this will help clear my mind. I also hope that I will learn something through writing this and rereading it.

Shine on.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The past month I have been feeling real good, I've been excited and cheery. It was nice.
But now, I am down in the shits with a boiling temperature, no fuse left and a confidence level that seems to go along with it. Oh how I love this....

I need prayer...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wasted Time.

Most of my close friends are out of town for the summer and it seems that I cannot get hold of any of my friends that are still in town. This makes for some really boring evenings. I have a lot of time on my hands, so I make the wise choice of wasting it watching t.v.
I am not even interested in most of the shows I find myself watching lately...
A show about the mating habits of a Rhinoceros...


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kicking ass.

Rainy day... No one around. I decided to clean my room. It was quite the mess, and my room seems to be a bit of a storage space for pieces of furniture or old electronics.
I kicked that mess right in the ass and moved some of the old furniture around. My room looks great now.
I am not a total lazy sack... At least not today.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'll Never Write a Perfect Line, So I Don't Even Know Why I Waste My Time and Try...

I love my friends. The way I try show that I love them is to be a committed friend. I try showing the same commitment that my friends show me. However, at times I do not know how to show to my friends that I am committed. So many times I wish there was just one thing I could say that would bring them comfort through trials. If there is one thing I have learned and continue to learn through the trials my friendships have been through it is that, at times, it is better to say nothing at all. I recently heard some devastating news from a very close friend. I was shocked and did not know what to say. I wished there was something I could have said that would bring them some sort of comfort. This was not the case. I was speechless, but perhaps that wasn’t a bad thing. I hung out with my friend that whole evening. I didn’t make it home until 2 in the morning. Despite my friends very shitty happenings we had a fun time. We laughed and joked.

Though I did not have any wise words for my friend, I hope he knows him and my family are in my prayers. And through our times of laughter and joking I hope he sees me as a committed friend.

I hope to be the best friend I can to ALL my friends.

Shine on, friends.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dear Phil Collins, you are the man.

This CD is my latest purchase.
It is full of familiar songs and some that are new to me.

One of my best purchases.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well, I have been quite inactive on this, my blog. Now I realize this is probably disappointing for the masses, but I assure you I will try to post a little more frequently.
These past couple weeks have blossomed into great weeks for me. Last week I took a week off of work to make the trip to Covenant Heights for teen camp (insert joyous noises here). This week brought more good days. Rain, I must say I enjoyed the rainy days. Today brought a late work start (1 pm) which allowed me to sleep my face off this morning. Something I needed and appreciated.

Just a little update for everyone who was concerned.

As for the title, it is from a story i wrote for school last year. I found it while rummaging through an old school binder. I am still considering sharing it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Amazing Physical Specimen...

The other day I found my self in a local Safeway buying some drinks. While in line I happened to notice the cashier (who thankfully was a female) givin’ me the visual rundown, in other words, she was pretty much checking me out. Now I, being the amazing physical specimen that I am, was not surprised by this. When it was my turn to purchase my items she seemed to be a tad gigglier than with the previous two customers. I did not know how to react to this. When the time came to give her my phone number for the sweet Safeway discounts she asked for my number 2 more times. “Okay sorry, I’m going to need that ONE more time.”

I have come to two conclusions about this; either she had a terrible hearing problem or she was trying to memorize my number. Whatever the case is it was a huge confidence booster. After leaving I rushed to my friend’s house to tell him of this. We laughed…

This story is true. I found this whole experience hilarious. I think about it from time to time and laugh. I would be lying if I were to say she was not good looking.

She has not called… Yet.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Well, spring has arrived and already it has this fat guy complaining about the heat. I have admit, although I love Spring and Summer just as much as I love Fall and Winter, I would much rather work in the cold than in the heat.

Anyways, I have started thinking about my future (near and distant, I suppose). I started thinking about the summer and I became concerned. Camp came to mind and the realization that I might have to miss camp this year; it bugged me and frankly, pissed me off a little bit. I have been thinking where I want to go, and what I want to do in the near(ish) future. My thoughts were ridiculous, even to me, which is discouraging to me in a way. It seems my dreams don’t line up with my talents or my income. It feels like my mind is in chaos right now and my patience is a short fuse again.

I have come to respect people who can screw-up, laugh it off and become motivated to improve. Lately, I will screw-up at something as small as practicing drums and I get ticked and lose my motivation to keep playing. It’s something I hope to improve, but as I lose motivation easily improvement is something that is easier to talk about than to do.

We’ll see where these thoughts take me…

On a lighter note, The Muppets Take Manhattan was on TV today and it stoked my love for the muppets once again.
"Dear Kermit, Wakka wakka wakka, but seriously."

Also, the sixth season of The Simpsons on DVD fills my days with laughter. It was definitely a wise purchase, if I do say so myself.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Contagious Joy.

I am truly a blessed person. I am blessed more than I realize. I have realized that I have a large number of friends that bring me joy. Nearly all of my friends have a contagious joy in them. I can’t be around them and be upset for long. It is a joy that rubs off on me and everyone around them, it is a refreshing time when I am around them. I am glad to have all these friends. I feel blessed to have friends that bring me laughter and a seemingly endless amount of good times and good conversation.

Shine on.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I have been learning new things about myself lately. I haven't had any big realizations about myself, I have mainly just been noticing little things that I didn't pay much attention to before.
Here is a little taste. (Because I know you are dying to hear what I am learning...)

I like the money I am making from a full-time job, but I am not sure if I am as ready for a full-time job as I once thought.

I like my job, but I don't like being exhausted all week. This has brought a whole new appreciation for weekends.

I don't mind being alone at times, but I do not like eating a meal alone. I have no idea why I dislike eating alone. Something about a meal that should be shared.

I don't hang out with my friends enough.

Drumming can either relax me, or send my frustrations over the edge.

I spend too much money, but I am also pretty cheap.

I am really good in bed... I can sleep for hours. (Ha!)

That's some things I have noticed about myself... They have been bouncing around in my head for a while so I figured I would dump them out.

Keep the good times glowin'.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I don't know... (the second)

I have started to dig into this statement “I am a Christian but I am not religious/ I hate religion.”
This statement has me confused, and I have been for quite some time.
I am starting with the basics, the definition of religion.

Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.

The body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices.

Now the definition of Christianity…

The Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches.

How can someone claim to be a Christian and yet be unreligious? Looking at these definitions makes it seem impossible to me. Again I ask, do people actually know what they are saying when they claim to be a Christian and unreligious? How do you follow Christ and not practice the ways of the Christian religion? Do you practice the ways of Christianity and just call it something else? Do people say they are unreligious because religion as a whole has had a bad sound in the ears of people over the years?

This is a strange statement to make. I don’t understand how someone can say it. Which again makes me think, do people that say it actually know what they are saying or meaning?

Shine on.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I don't know...

I have been hearing a statement among people I know. I don't what exactly it means.

"I am a Christian, but I am not religious"

Or while talking to another person,
"You're being too religious."

Like I said, I don't know what exactly they mean by this. Frankly, I think some of them don't have a damn clue either. All I know is, it doesn't sit right with me.

Dare I ask... What are your ideas on this statement?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

He Said "No, I don't like the way I am"

It has been ten days since I last wrote something on this blog of mine. I usually only write something if it has been on my mind for a while. Well, there has been a lot of stuff on my mind in these ten days and it’s not that my thoughts aren’t worth writing about (although, maybe they aren’t), but instead I have noticed that I have not wanted to share my thoughts with anyone these days. I have noticed myself beginning to keep my thoughts, burdens, questions and concerns to myself. I have never really shared all my thoughts and feelings with someone but releasing or venting some of them helped me “keep it together”. Lately I have noticed my patience is on a short fuse. I don’t know if this is coming from a lack of sleep, a loaded mind or possibly, a combination of the two. What I do know is, even the smallest things can set me off. Not long ago a friend of mine called me an idiot and I was ready to cuss them out for it. Usually I pay no attention to a statement like that because I know the intention was not to hurt me. Lately “keeping my cool” or flipping out at someone is like hanging over the edge by a thread and when that thread breaks there is a dam burst of profanity. I don’t know why I have or when I got a cuss filled mouth but I am not very proud of it.

I’m hoping that throwing these thoughts out there will help lengthen this short fuse I have. I do know it will take more work than just sharing what I’m thinking again. I think I’m up for the challenge… I hope.

Shine on.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where Are You Going?

I am not one to make New Years resolutions, but I had a thought to maybe live, act and speak in a different in this New Year. Now it is close to being two weeks into the New Year and that goal has already come crashing down in a spectacular ball of wreckage. I know to change is a long and tough process, which is discouraging to me, at times. Lately, for some reason I have been thinking of friends and what they mean to me. I find myself thinking of a name of a friend and making a list of attributes in my head. I think about what glimpses of God I can see in their actions towards me and others. It has helped me appreciate my friendships even more. From friends, I started thinking of God and making this “list” of who God is to me. I have come up with a list that is something like this:

God is,
My teacher,
Unconditional love,
My forgiver,
My protector,
My comfort,
My deep joy,
My encouragement,
And my challenger.

I thank God for being all of these things to me. This encourages me to set challenges out for myself, not just because it is the new year but because I have a longing to grow closer with God as I live. This new year will bring me many challenges and new experiences. I have no idea where these challenges and experiences will take me.
It’s my hope that I will be reminded of what and who God is to me as I go through this year questioning, growing, and challenging myself and my faith.