A few years ago I had a friend say, “The main goal of every church should be to grow bigger…”
Over these past few years I have thought back to this whole conversation and specifically that statement. At first, in my less opinionated days, I agreed with this. However over the years as I have began to develop my own thoughts and opinions on church I have found myself not seeing totally eye to eye with this.
I am usually hesitant to write and be open with my opinion on this sort of thing because I know that I am extremely uneducated, and I do not like being made into a fool by the thoughts of those far smarter than me (which is most people I know). However, I figure if people who are just as uneducated as me can lead some churches, I can certainly share my thoughts and opinions on church.
As for my thoughts on this statement, I do not completely disagree with churches wanting to grow, but I do not totally believe this should be the main goal of a church. I think that the church as a whole- the body of Christ- should be eager to grow the body and bring more to God. I believe we are called to do so; it is part of our serving. As for each separate church in the body, I do not think this has to be the MAIN goal. Congregations will grow and shrink constantly, people change and sometimes that change leads them to another church. I think there are more important goals that churches should strive for, not just numbers.
I believe a churches main goal should be to pursue God, to dive into His word and to provide a community for ALL who walk through the doors. I believe a church should be a place that show love to anyone and every one and to allow them in with open arms and show them the same love Christ shows us. If a church starts playing the numbers game and trying to lead as many people as they can through the doors I think that a strong sense of community is lost.
I am not saying all this to bash churches with large congregations. Like I said this is my opinion, in a brief post. Some people love big churches... I am not one of those people. I am a small crowd kind of guy.
But it is my prayer that we (the body of Christ) are eager to spread God’s love and that we strive to be Disciples of Christ and continue growing the body. I hope and pray that we follow God where he leads us and that we, as Christians, will be loving and open to everyone; quick to forgive and show grace to, and show generosity to every one we cross paths with.
Shine on ya’ll *Winky face*