Thursday, July 31, 2008


I find it so hard to keep pushing for something you want to happen. Sometimes it feels like you're "fighting" for the impossible. I heard a quote that I find truth in "Anything that's worth having in life doesn't come easy". I think that if we truly want something we need to be willing to fight for it. Whether it be change in our lives, or fighting to keep a friendship out of trouble, or fighting for something we know is right. I think we need to be determained and push through it. Challenges can be used to our advantage, I beleive we can use them to strengthen our morals, or our character, or our walk with Christ. But if we try take challenges on alone they can hurt us. I have a thought floating through my head lately these days. I still am undecided on my opinion on it, but to me it seems just when I'm getting close to giving up on something I want, I start to think that "Giving up is a cowards way of failing" I don't no where I heard that, or if it's something that I thought up. I'm still confused as to whether it's true or not. But one thing is for sure, I've been challenged by alot of things this summer, and I'd like to say it's drawing me closer to God, and shaping my personality, and I beleive it's bring about change in my life.

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