I've been reading a book called The Round Table. It talks about Jesus being our good shepherd. I've been thinking about how much I really need Jesus these days, just as a sheep needs its shepherd to guide it. I need His help with so much. So many times I try to take stuff on alone, and it doesn't work. We need God if we want to succeed with things.
It mentions John 21 where Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, three times, each time Peter says yes, and Jesus always reply's with "then feed my sheep". It started me thinking about how many chances I've had to "feed His sheep" and I just get to uncomfortable, and scared. When I think of this I'm reminded of a quote from Ken Davis, "Why are people always scared to talk about God, yet when they hurt themselves He's the first god they start talking about?". I find myself to be like this too many times. Sometimes I'm scared to talk to people about God, but when something bad happens... My mouth runs loose too often. Which I find really weird, because when I have a good talk about God with a friend, I feel so refreshed. But yet so many times, I don't talk about God when I know I should. I think we all need to step out of our comfort zone and talk to people about God. I feel like God has given me alot of chances to do this lately. It's up to me to recognize that I need to step out of my comfort zone.
I don't think "feeding His sheep" applies to only non-Christians, don't get me wrong I believe it does apply to them a lot. But I also believe that it applies to other Christians. If we know someone who is having trouble with their walk with God, and not taking His guidance, and is having challenges in life. We need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and talk with them, and help them through. Maybe "reconnect" them with God. If I feel God telling me to talk to someone and I can't "buck up" and step out of my comfort zone, I always think about "what if something bad happens to them, and I could have helped it, how much would I regret it?". This usually encourages me to accept the fact that I need to step out and "feed the sheep" of the Good Sheppard. This is an area that I hope to improve on in my life. I already find myself more and more excited to talk about God to people now, and I hope that this excitement keeps growing.
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