Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How do we live?

Once again I am posting, and once again I am writing while I am feeling burdened and down from certain situations going on (Drama poo as I call it).
I am struggling once again with how I am supposed to act when I say I am living for God. I keep thinking of Titus 1:15-16 "(15)To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. (16)They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good."
When ever I think of how we are supposed to act and live our life this is these verses are the ones that come to mind. I don't know why exactly, maybe because of verse 16 when it says "They claim they know God but by their actions they deny him."
We all mess up on this so much. We say we know God and love Him but the way we act needs to line up with what we say. I know too many people(myself included) that do things they KNOW are wrong. It rips me apart to watch friends make these poor choices. It is my hope and prayer for all my friends that they will listen to the voice of God, and let it drive their life and actions. I encourage them to think about their decisions and that way I hope that by their actions they will show that they in fact know God and love Him.


MellyBean said...

Ah man, You've managed to make me cry :P
[Don't worry it's not that hard]
Scary stuff man.. I mean.. not your blog entirely, but what we had been talking about.
Really requires some thinking. Again, thanks for posting this Jesse, super important to consider.
Especially for me right now.

Definitely something everything should be thinking about. I have some resolutions to make now.. just need to really think about whether or not I can make them.
If not I'm gonna have to do something... pretty life altering.

Haha, so to sum up... Thanks Jesse.
If it weren't for you I wouldn't have done any thinking at all in an attempt to avoid it again.
Just be praying for strength for me ok? Merci mon amis :]

Jordan said...

Dude, your solid. :)
Keep posting. Keep thinking. Keep Learning. Keep Questioning. Keep Answering. And just like milk: "Never Stop".

The key to life is questioning. How do we learn but by asking questions?

I think that this is something that anyone who would call themselves a Christian or Follower of Christ would question. How many times have we felt guilt or the sense of failure when we look at our actions and how they compare to the Scriptures?

Keep on Trucking!