Monday, December 15, 2008


So I've been thinking about prayer lately. The one story that always comes to my mind is the story of my grandma's middle of the night awakening to pray for some one she had never met, or even heard of. She awoke in the middle of the night thinking she had to pray for a man by the name of Casper Weinburger. Mr. Weinburger for those of you who don't know was the Secretary of Defense from 1981-1987 under President Ronald Reagan. Now my grandma didn't know what to pray for and why to pray for, she just prayed for Mr. Weinburger. This has got me to thinking.
God can use us for ANYTHING. It may not be as big as praying for the secretary of defense in the states, but it doesn't make it any less important. God can use us, and we will be blessed if we obey, and allow God to use us.
God puts people in our lives for us to be a witness to. He places people in our journeys for us to help. Whether it’s a small act or having to help someone through a rough patch in their life or faith. God doesn’t put these things in our lives for us to try taking on alone. If we try to take it on alone we won’t be able to do it. We need to pray and interact with God. The power of prayer is amazing. One way my family was blessed by prayer happened about 3 years ago. A friend of our family couldn’t sleep one night and so he prayed. My family came to his mind, he suddenly though that he needed to give us his car. This was a very big deal for us, see our one car had died and was no longer drivable, and our Jeep was having problems and wasn’t always starting. One summer day I was sitting at home and the phone rang, it was my mom asking me to come to Seven Eleven to help her carry some stuff home because the Jeep wasn’t starting. While we were walking up to the house I say the car. I thought “Wow that sure looks like Cody’s K-car.” When we got inside my mom checked the mail box and there was keys and a letter. The keys were for the car and the letter was describing why we were receiving the car. So after everything we purchased the car for $1. This was a huge answer to our prayers. The power of prayer is amazing. So if you feel God nudging you to pray for someone do not take it lightly. In the words of my grandma “Be a prayer warrior.” My grandma lived the life of prayer warrior and it is my goal to follow in her foot-steps and be a servant for God.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Dude, I've been reading your posts and I enjoy listening to "The JiggaWatts Thoughts". I'm gonna link your blog to mine if you don't mind.