Throughout this Easter one thing that is been standing out to me, or impacting me the most is the seriousness of the Cross. So many times I find myself looking at the Cross and thinking almost nothing of it. When I realized this it was a shocker for myself. It seems like the Cross was just "the norm" for me. I see it so often. However, lately when I look at a Cross I see something much deeper. Something that was said today during the Good Friday service at my church stood out to me. Gavin was talking about the story of Easter, and what it is about. Is it about a weak man who was rolled over by the weight of the world? Is it about an unimportant man who got in the way of those who were more important? Is it about a religious or political leader who kicked up trouble? Is it, as Dave Matthews said, a story of an amazing man who got screwed? Or is it the story of the Son of GOD, who came to save us all? This was the thing that hit me the hardest today. Not because I found out Dave Matthews can be quoted in Church, but because it helped me realize part of what I am missing when I look at the Cross. I started thinking of the cross a lot before today, now it's the main topic in my mind. I almost can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about the Son of GOD, the ONLY Son of GOD, who came to save us. The Son of GOD who came to be our Savior. He befriended those who were cast out, he healed the sick, He saved us, the sinners. This could not be done by a weak man, an unimportant man, a religious of political leader, or even an amazing man. This action, this punishment of taking all sin on himself and being crucified for all man. This can only be done by the Son of GOD.
So, What do you see when you look at the Cross?
It is my encouragement to everyone, to look at the Cross and reflect on what was done for us, and who did it.
May the Cross not be something normal to us, but instead, be a significant part of our faith that causes us to give thanks and to think.
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