Thursday, January 21, 2010

He Said "No, I don't like the way I am"

It has been ten days since I last wrote something on this blog of mine. I usually only write something if it has been on my mind for a while. Well, there has been a lot of stuff on my mind in these ten days and it’s not that my thoughts aren’t worth writing about (although, maybe they aren’t), but instead I have noticed that I have not wanted to share my thoughts with anyone these days. I have noticed myself beginning to keep my thoughts, burdens, questions and concerns to myself. I have never really shared all my thoughts and feelings with someone but releasing or venting some of them helped me “keep it together”. Lately I have noticed my patience is on a short fuse. I don’t know if this is coming from a lack of sleep, a loaded mind or possibly, a combination of the two. What I do know is, even the smallest things can set me off. Not long ago a friend of mine called me an idiot and I was ready to cuss them out for it. Usually I pay no attention to a statement like that because I know the intention was not to hurt me. Lately “keeping my cool” or flipping out at someone is like hanging over the edge by a thread and when that thread breaks there is a dam burst of profanity. I don’t know why I have or when I got a cuss filled mouth but I am not very proud of it.

I’m hoping that throwing these thoughts out there will help lengthen this short fuse I have. I do know it will take more work than just sharing what I’m thinking again. I think I’m up for the challenge… I hope.

Shine on.


Jordan said...

Dude, keep writing. I'll tell you from my own experience that keeping stuff inside to build up is bad news. And I like to hear your thoughts too :)

Keep on keepn' on!

gavin said...

Working construction is turning you salty and foul-mouthed, young man. So what's my excuse? Oh, ya. I'm from Prince Albert. ;)

You've got a soft heart; don't lose that. Bring heavy burdens to the one who has a light and easy yoke. He will give you rest. He will show you how to continue on in being gentle and humble in heart.

I'd like to buy you lunch some time. What days are you free now that you're employed?

Jesse Watt said...

Saturday and Sunday.

Anonymous said...

hang in there. i am glad you are blogging. it is cool to see others think!