Monday, March 23, 2009

That was Terrific!

I was talking to an old friend, they haven't gone to Springs since grade 5, and I've kept in touch with them over msn, and Facebook(the hero of the internet). Anyway, I have been once again been feeling weighted with people at school being stupid. I asked this person what they thought of drinking and being drunk. I was extremely excited and refreshed when I found out that this person thought it was stupid. It was just so terrific to hear that someone who is openly exposed to that life style in their school, could have the wisdom and conscience not to do it. Yet people who claim to be a higher example do it on a regular basis... Once again I say, Mean what you say, and if you say you love God, act like it!

I encourage everyone to accept the call to be an example to everyone.
God Bless

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