Friday, September 4, 2009

Just a thought on conversation.

I have been doing some thinking about conversation. It seems we feel like we grow closest to friends when we have deep meaningful conversations and I would tend to agree with that, but I feel as if the “meaningless” and “shallow” conversations do not get paid enough respects. I really do not think there is such thing as meaningless conversation and some people may disagree, but I feel that every conversation, however deep or however silly and pointless, is meaningful. Connecting with people on any level is showing love and because of that I find it meaningful. I cherish all types of conversation I have with anyone I know. I would not classify one as better than the other. I enjoy joking, laughing and rambling on about nothing, but I also enjoy sharing my thoughts, my feelings and my heart. I find any type of conversation to bring me closer to my friends and I love conversation, no matter how silly or deep it is.

Just a quick thought.

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