Once again I am posting, and once again I am writing while I am feeling burdened and down from certain situations going on (Drama poo as I call it).
I am struggling once again with how I am supposed to act when I say I am living for God. I keep thinking of Titus 1:15-16 "(15)To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. (16)They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good."
When ever I think of how we are supposed to act and live our life this is these verses are the ones that come to mind. I don't know why exactly, maybe because of verse 16 when it says "They claim they know God but by their actions they deny him."
We all mess up on this so much. We say we know God and love Him but the way we act needs to line up with what we say. I know too many people(myself included) that do things they KNOW are wrong. It rips me apart to watch friends make these poor choices. It is my hope and prayer for all my friends that they will listen to the voice of God, and let it drive their life and actions. I encourage them to think about their decisions and that way I hope that by their actions they will show that they in fact know God and love Him.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
So I've been thinking about prayer lately. The one story that always comes to my mind is the story of my grandma's middle of the night awakening to pray for some one she had never met, or even heard of. She awoke in the middle of the night thinking she had to pray for a man by the name of Casper Weinburger. Mr. Weinburger for those of you who don't know was the Secretary of Defense from 1981-1987 under President Ronald Reagan. Now my grandma didn't know what to pray for and why to pray for, she just prayed for Mr. Weinburger. This has got me to thinking.
God can use us for ANYTHING. It may not be as big as praying for the secretary of defense in the states, but it doesn't make it any less important. God can use us, and we will be blessed if we obey, and allow God to use us.
God puts people in our lives for us to be a witness to. He places people in our journeys for us to help. Whether it’s a small act or having to help someone through a rough patch in their life or faith. God doesn’t put these things in our lives for us to try taking on alone. If we try to take it on alone we won’t be able to do it. We need to pray and interact with God. The power of prayer is amazing. One way my family was blessed by prayer happened about 3 years ago. A friend of our family couldn’t sleep one night and so he prayed. My family came to his mind, he suddenly though that he needed to give us his car. This was a very big deal for us, see our one car had died and was no longer drivable, and our Jeep was having problems and wasn’t always starting. One summer day I was sitting at home and the phone rang, it was my mom asking me to come to Seven Eleven to help her carry some stuff home because the Jeep wasn’t starting. While we were walking up to the house I say the car. I thought “Wow that sure looks like Cody’s K-car.” When we got inside my mom checked the mail box and there was keys and a letter. The keys were for the car and the letter was describing why we were receiving the car. So after everything we purchased the car for $1. This was a huge answer to our prayers. The power of prayer is amazing. So if you feel God nudging you to pray for someone do not take it lightly. In the words of my grandma “Be a prayer warrior.” My grandma lived the life of prayer warrior and it is my goal to follow in her foot-steps and be a servant for God.
God can use us for ANYTHING. It may not be as big as praying for the secretary of defense in the states, but it doesn't make it any less important. God can use us, and we will be blessed if we obey, and allow God to use us.
God puts people in our lives for us to be a witness to. He places people in our journeys for us to help. Whether it’s a small act or having to help someone through a rough patch in their life or faith. God doesn’t put these things in our lives for us to try taking on alone. If we try to take it on alone we won’t be able to do it. We need to pray and interact with God. The power of prayer is amazing. One way my family was blessed by prayer happened about 3 years ago. A friend of our family couldn’t sleep one night and so he prayed. My family came to his mind, he suddenly though that he needed to give us his car. This was a very big deal for us, see our one car had died and was no longer drivable, and our Jeep was having problems and wasn’t always starting. One summer day I was sitting at home and the phone rang, it was my mom asking me to come to Seven Eleven to help her carry some stuff home because the Jeep wasn’t starting. While we were walking up to the house I say the car. I thought “Wow that sure looks like Cody’s K-car.” When we got inside my mom checked the mail box and there was keys and a letter. The keys were for the car and the letter was describing why we were receiving the car. So after everything we purchased the car for $1. This was a huge answer to our prayers. The power of prayer is amazing. So if you feel God nudging you to pray for someone do not take it lightly. In the words of my grandma “Be a prayer warrior.” My grandma lived the life of prayer warrior and it is my goal to follow in her foot-steps and be a servant for God.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It seems that I usually only post on here when I'm feeling burdened or something is getting me down. Hopefully it's different story this time. Today I was shown the song Fly by Jason Upton, all I can say is...WOW!
Now the story behind this song is that there was actually an angel singing along with Jason Upton during the song. The story is that there was a strange fog coming from the ceiling So the guy doing sound or whatever, just thought it might be from the air conditioning. He asked the janitor and he said there was no pipes or anything up there. Then a kid came to the sound board and said there was a 12 foot angel standing behind Jason Upton. Turns out that the angels voice was actually being recorded. The next day the guy doing sound wanted to find out if it was real so they listened to it, suddenly a perfect voice was heard, the engineer said it was just crazy feed back from the drums or guitar. They looked through every track and couldn't find this "feed back". Then they looked into Jason Uptons Vocal track and there was two vocal tracks, one small one and one really big one.
Call me crazy, but I listened to this song and I believe it. This is definitely not impossible from my point of view. I think there are things in Christianity that are not logical in anyway. I believe that angels could have been behind Jason Upton singing their praises to God. If someone chooses not to believe this, that is their call. I truly think that angels can come into our presence at anytime. At first I was a bit skeptical of this whole idea of angels singing along, but when I listened to the song, it hit me like a speeding truck. I had shivers over my whole body, and started shaking. This kind of thing does not happen on a regular basis when I hear a good song but, it certainly rocked my world. I really truly believe this is a real story. Just thought I'd share it.
The story
The song
Now the story behind this song is that there was actually an angel singing along with Jason Upton during the song. The story is that there was a strange fog coming from the ceiling So the guy doing sound or whatever, just thought it might be from the air conditioning. He asked the janitor and he said there was no pipes or anything up there. Then a kid came to the sound board and said there was a 12 foot angel standing behind Jason Upton. Turns out that the angels voice was actually being recorded. The next day the guy doing sound wanted to find out if it was real so they listened to it, suddenly a perfect voice was heard, the engineer said it was just crazy feed back from the drums or guitar. They looked through every track and couldn't find this "feed back". Then they looked into Jason Uptons Vocal track and there was two vocal tracks, one small one and one really big one.
Call me crazy, but I listened to this song and I believe it. This is definitely not impossible from my point of view. I think there are things in Christianity that are not logical in anyway. I believe that angels could have been behind Jason Upton singing their praises to God. If someone chooses not to believe this, that is their call. I truly think that angels can come into our presence at anytime. At first I was a bit skeptical of this whole idea of angels singing along, but when I listened to the song, it hit me like a speeding truck. I had shivers over my whole body, and started shaking. This kind of thing does not happen on a regular basis when I hear a good song but, it certainly rocked my world. I really truly believe this is a real story. Just thought I'd share it.
The story
The song
Friday, November 21, 2008
Trusting God
So here's the thing that's eating me up inside right now. We pray things like "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." But it is hard to pray and rejoice when something so devestating happens. I went to pick up my mom from the pre-school she works at today, when I walked in to the school today the atmosphere was... Well it was different. Almost gloomy. Then I was told that a little girl that used to go that school died this morning. She was only 3. This was like getting run over by a bulldozer... Even though I have never met this little girl it's still hard to think what family is feeling. This little girl should of had years upon years of life, but it was cut short. The truth is, it is extremely hard to find good in a situation like this. God works in mysterious ways, we can't fathom what He was doing with this, but we have to believe it was for the best. One thing I've learned is God knows what he's doing, so He knew what He was doing here. It's hard to accept but, this is one of the challenges that one can use to bring themselves closer to Christ.
Trust God in ALL times, that's one thing I learned the hard way. When going through a hard time I didn't trust God all that happened was the times got A LOT harder. God is the only one that will be there through everything, and can take every burden.
I guess what I'm saying is God works in mysterious ways, we can not understand how He works. Trust God in all time, no matter how hard it may be. It will save you a lot of pain and sorrow in the end if you just turn to the one who can help with anything.
Trust God in ALL times, that's one thing I learned the hard way. When going through a hard time I didn't trust God all that happened was the times got A LOT harder. God is the only one that will be there through everything, and can take every burden.
I guess what I'm saying is God works in mysterious ways, we can not understand how He works. Trust God in all time, no matter how hard it may be. It will save you a lot of pain and sorrow in the end if you just turn to the one who can help with anything.
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Touch Of The Masters Hand
It was battered and scarred, and the auctioneer thought it scarcely worth his while to waste much time on the old violin,but held it up with a smile; "What is my bid for this old violin" he said with a sneer. "Who'll start the bidding for me?" "A dollar, a dollar"; then two!" "Onlytwo? Two dollars, and who'll make it three? Three dollars, once; threedollars twice; going for three.." But no, from the room, far back, a gray-haired man came forward and picked up the bow; Then, wiping the dustfrom the old violin, and tightening the loose strings, he played a melody pure and sweet as caroling angel sings.The music ceased, and the auctioneer, with a voice that was quiet and low,said; "What is my bid for the old violin?" And he held it up with the bow.A thousand dollars, and who'll make it two? Two thousand! And who'll make it three? Three thousand, once, three thousand, twice, and going and gone," said he. The people cheered, but some of them cried, "We do notquite understnad what changed its worth." Swift came the reply: "The touchof a master's hand."
Everyone is priceless in value, and we are beautiful, no matter what we think, God makes beauty, and only beauty. Don't worry He wasn't doing an experiment when He made you. He doesn't make mistakes. Everyone is beautiful, and do not let anyone say different.... 'nough said.
Everyone is priceless in value, and we are beautiful, no matter what we think, God makes beauty, and only beauty. Don't worry He wasn't doing an experiment when He made you. He doesn't make mistakes. Everyone is beautiful, and do not let anyone say different.... 'nough said.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Serving others.
Today at church today, the message was on Servant-hood. We read the story in John 13, when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples feet. What blew my mind was, the fact that this man, who came to save the world, took the place of a serevant and washed feet. Jesus even washes the feet of Judas, the man who betrays Him. After Jesus has finished washing everyones feet, he says... "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. (13)"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. (14)Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. (15)I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (16)I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. (17) Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them"(John 13:13-17). When I read this I think of the movie "Pay It Forward" for some reason. God tells us to in turn wash one another's feet. We need to be servants to people, even to people who we are really that fond of. Jesus washed the feet of the man who betrays Him. God knew that Judas was going to betray Him. What could someone do to us that could possobly be worse? We, can't just go on our "merry way" and only serve people, when it's convenient for us. It's really hard to be a servant to people sometimes, especially if we don't really like that person all that much. But God tells us, that we will be blessed if we are. Now we shouldn't just go out and be servants just so we get blessed later on. I think that if we truly want to be servants we shouldn't be thinking about how we can benefit from it. But we should do it for the other person.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Comfort of God
It's been blowing my mind lately, just the stuff that is going on in my life, that usually would get me down and make me angry. Lately though it is a totally different story. I'm really feeling the comfort of God. I must say, I'm so greatful to have this comfort. I know that without God I would not be able to handle these situations.Everyone should turn to God first. God gives comfort like no other, no matter what situation you may be facing. Even if you're facing a challenge you think there was no way out of, God can help us through it. God is waiting for us, and He will always be there for us. So when we are having trouble with something, and are being brought down by something, may we turn to God, and feel His hand of comfort and peace.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
During work, I have a lot of time to think on things, which sometimes isn't such a great thing, because things that are bugging me fill my mind. Lately it's been different... Lately I've thought a lot about praise and worship, and what the words actually mean in some of the songs I really like. All I can really say is, I'm beginning to enjoy praise and worship more than I ever have. Don't get me worng, I have always loved praise and worship, but I never really took the time to do it alone, and on my time. But now that I've taken time, when sitting in the tractor, and listened to worship, and thought about what the song is saying... My experience has been SO much better. God really shows Himself through praise, and when you meet Him in that place... Well for me, it gives me shivers. I am loving praise and worship more than ever these days.
Praise and worship shouldn't be the only time we worship God though. I think thanking God for His amazing creation, is a form of worship. I thank God so much for all He's done for me. Giving me great friends, that help, and encourage me. God has so much to be worshiped for. He gave us life! We should thank Him and worship Him for that. He's surrounded us with creation, that if we take time to enjoy, we can learn a lot from. He's set out a plan for our lives. He died for our sins, He's given us eternal life in Him. He loves us and will always forgive us. He will never leave nor foresake us. The list for what we can worship God for is endless. I's up to us to take time in our lives, and give God this worship.
Praise and worship shouldn't be the only time we worship God though. I think thanking God for His amazing creation, is a form of worship. I thank God so much for all He's done for me. Giving me great friends, that help, and encourage me. God has so much to be worshiped for. He gave us life! We should thank Him and worship Him for that. He's surrounded us with creation, that if we take time to enjoy, we can learn a lot from. He's set out a plan for our lives. He died for our sins, He's given us eternal life in Him. He loves us and will always forgive us. He will never leave nor foresake us. The list for what we can worship God for is endless. I's up to us to take time in our lives, and give God this worship.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lately I've been thinking about self-esteem issues. I can honestly say I've rarely had problems with this. So I guess I find it weird when people have issues with this, but it's so normal for people to have issues with this.
The way I think is If we were made in the image of God, why shouldn't we respect ourselves? It's not like God did a special experiment one day, when He made someone. "let's try some of this...and a little bit of this.... Oh gross!". God made everyone in His image, so in that case everyone is special, and beautiful. One time I was standing in line at a 7/11, and a girl randomly complemented my outfit. She went on to say "I complement everyone, because everyone is beautiful in their own way". This one statement blew my mind. I find so much truth in it. I think that, if the creator of the whole universe, decided to create each one of us, we should give ourselves respect for that. God loves us beyond our imagination. Jesus died on the cross for us, if He's willing to do that, He must love us, and think we are priceless. So I guess what I'm tryin' to do here, is encourage people with issues like this to remember who made you, and if you're ever havin' problems repsecting yourself, just remember to God, you are beautiful and priceless, and never let anyone, or yourself, tell you otherwise.
The way I think is If we were made in the image of God, why shouldn't we respect ourselves? It's not like God did a special experiment one day, when He made someone. "let's try some of this...and a little bit of this.... Oh gross!". God made everyone in His image, so in that case everyone is special, and beautiful. One time I was standing in line at a 7/11, and a girl randomly complemented my outfit. She went on to say "I complement everyone, because everyone is beautiful in their own way". This one statement blew my mind. I find so much truth in it. I think that, if the creator of the whole universe, decided to create each one of us, we should give ourselves respect for that. God loves us beyond our imagination. Jesus died on the cross for us, if He's willing to do that, He must love us, and think we are priceless. So I guess what I'm tryin' to do here, is encourage people with issues like this to remember who made you, and if you're ever havin' problems repsecting yourself, just remember to God, you are beautiful and priceless, and never let anyone, or yourself, tell you otherwise.
This summer has taught me a lot of things. I've learned a lot about God, and I feel my relationship has grown in massive steps this summer. God has been challenging me this summer. At the beginning of summer I asked God to challenge me through out summer, but I was definitly not expecting what I got. The challenges He has given me this summer, pretty much "knocked me off my feet". I'm so glad I have great friends that pray for me, give me advice, and encourage me, through these challenges. I believe God has used these challenges for good, I feel so much closer to Him, and I feel comfort while I face daily things. I've been challenged with friendships, and I've been challenged by change. God showed me parts in my life that need improvement, He has also showed me parts in my life that need a complete "overhaul". Some of these challenges have brought new found emotions along with them. I believe I have changed so much during this summer, and I'm thrilled to be groing closer to God. His love has amazed me, and comforted me like I've never felt before. I love God, and I'm so excited to be groing closer to Him.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Spirit is longing
Today during a church service out at birdshill park, we sang Cry In My Heart by Starfeild... Well not everyone sang. Just one person, but that is not the point here. The words in this song really struck a chord with me ( I think that's the saying).
There's a cry in my heart
For Your glory to fall
For Your presence tofill up my senses
There's a yearning again
A thirst for discipline
A hunger for things
that are deeper
Could You take me beyond?
Could You carry me through?
If I open my heart?
Could I go there with You?(For I've been here beforeBut I know there's still moreOh, Lord, I need to know You)
For what do I have
If I don't have You, Jesus?
What in this life
Could mean any more?
You are my rock
You are my glory
You are the lifter
Of my head
Lifter of this head.
I think there's a lot of truth in this song. One thing I was thinking, when I was listening to these words was, Our spirit is longing for a deeper relationship with God. But we may ignore it. We need to be willing to let God in to our hearts to do His work. God knocks, he doesn't barge in. I look back on times, when I've felt God knocking, and my spirit was crying out to me to let God in, but my mind was to hard, and my heart wasn't soft. I think so many times it's easy to miss the knocking, because of all the distractions in life. But we need to focus and listen for that knock and let God in, because He has something amazing in store for us.
I was thinking, how much could we do if we would just open our hearts to God? If we opened our hearts, God could show us a relationship deeper than anything we've ever known. He could use us, in ways we never imagined. We are all called to do something for God. It's up to us to listen to that knocking, and accept the call. I was reminded of something I once said. I never remember saying anything this smart in my whole life, but apparently I said "I honestly wouldn't care if drumming isn't in my future, as long as I have God I'm happy". I think so many times we try set out our own path. I know I've tried to many many times. But I'd like to think me saying that was a step towards submitting my life to God, and letting Him take control. I'd like to think, that it was a way of letting God use me, for what He wants me to do, not what I want to do.
I also though about the last part of the song.
"For what do I have if I don't have you Jesus? What in this life could mean anymore?"
So many times I have taken God, and my relationship with Him for granted. I think this was an eye opener, to the fact that if we didn't have God, life would be a heck of a lot harder. God is the one friend that never leaves nor foresakes us. So many times we put stuff infront of God. We need to relize that nothing means as much as God. He needs to be first in our lives. If we didn't have God...well to be blunt, we would be HOOPED! We need to relize that God is the most important thing we need, without Him we wouldn't even be alive.
There's a cry in my heart
For Your glory to fall
For Your presence tofill up my senses
There's a yearning again
A thirst for discipline
A hunger for things
that are deeper
Could You take me beyond?
Could You carry me through?
If I open my heart?
Could I go there with You?(For I've been here beforeBut I know there's still moreOh, Lord, I need to know You)
For what do I have
If I don't have You, Jesus?
What in this life
Could mean any more?
You are my rock
You are my glory
You are the lifter
Of my head
Lifter of this head.
I think there's a lot of truth in this song. One thing I was thinking, when I was listening to these words was, Our spirit is longing for a deeper relationship with God. But we may ignore it. We need to be willing to let God in to our hearts to do His work. God knocks, he doesn't barge in. I look back on times, when I've felt God knocking, and my spirit was crying out to me to let God in, but my mind was to hard, and my heart wasn't soft. I think so many times it's easy to miss the knocking, because of all the distractions in life. But we need to focus and listen for that knock and let God in, because He has something amazing in store for us.
I was thinking, how much could we do if we would just open our hearts to God? If we opened our hearts, God could show us a relationship deeper than anything we've ever known. He could use us, in ways we never imagined. We are all called to do something for God. It's up to us to listen to that knocking, and accept the call. I was reminded of something I once said. I never remember saying anything this smart in my whole life, but apparently I said "I honestly wouldn't care if drumming isn't in my future, as long as I have God I'm happy". I think so many times we try set out our own path. I know I've tried to many many times. But I'd like to think me saying that was a step towards submitting my life to God, and letting Him take control. I'd like to think, that it was a way of letting God use me, for what He wants me to do, not what I want to do.
I also though about the last part of the song.
"For what do I have if I don't have you Jesus? What in this life could mean anymore?"
So many times I have taken God, and my relationship with Him for granted. I think this was an eye opener, to the fact that if we didn't have God, life would be a heck of a lot harder. God is the one friend that never leaves nor foresakes us. So many times we put stuff infront of God. We need to relize that nothing means as much as God. He needs to be first in our lives. If we didn't have God...well to be blunt, we would be HOOPED! We need to relize that God is the most important thing we need, without Him we wouldn't even be alive.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Livin' in the good soil.
I was just thinking about my time at Teen Camp a couple weeks ago. I remember talking about the parable of the soils. There is 4 types of soil. the rocky, the thorns, the hard path, and finally the good soil. I've been trying to figure out Which one of these soils I fit into. We need to strive to live the life of the good soil. And not fall into any of the other soils. When I think about these soils I'm reminded of Revelation 3:16 " So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you from my mouth". I think if we aren't living in the good soil we are lukewarm. We need to live with a passion for Christ. We need to relize that sitting in the "gray area" is not a good place to be. We can't just follow God sometimes, and other times ignore Him. We need to think, are we following Christ with a passion in our hearts, or are we just sitting in the gray area doing the right things sometimes, and others doing the total wrong thing. Now we can't be perfect, but that doesn't give us an excuse to go do wrong, and only do good when we feel like it. I think we all need to push ourselves to live in the good soil and not be lukewarm, but instead follow God with a passion burning in our hearts.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Feeding the sheep of The Good Shepherd
I've been reading a book called The Round Table. It talks about Jesus being our good shepherd. I've been thinking about how much I really need Jesus these days, just as a sheep needs its shepherd to guide it. I need His help with so much. So many times I try to take stuff on alone, and it doesn't work. We need God if we want to succeed with things.
It mentions John 21 where Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, three times, each time Peter says yes, and Jesus always reply's with "then feed my sheep". It started me thinking about how many chances I've had to "feed His sheep" and I just get to uncomfortable, and scared. When I think of this I'm reminded of a quote from Ken Davis, "Why are people always scared to talk about God, yet when they hurt themselves He's the first god they start talking about?". I find myself to be like this too many times. Sometimes I'm scared to talk to people about God, but when something bad happens... My mouth runs loose too often. Which I find really weird, because when I have a good talk about God with a friend, I feel so refreshed. But yet so many times, I don't talk about God when I know I should. I think we all need to step out of our comfort zone and talk to people about God. I feel like God has given me alot of chances to do this lately. It's up to me to recognize that I need to step out of my comfort zone.
I don't think "feeding His sheep" applies to only non-Christians, don't get me wrong I believe it does apply to them a lot. But I also believe that it applies to other Christians. If we know someone who is having trouble with their walk with God, and not taking His guidance, and is having challenges in life. We need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and talk with them, and help them through. Maybe "reconnect" them with God. If I feel God telling me to talk to someone and I can't "buck up" and step out of my comfort zone, I always think about "what if something bad happens to them, and I could have helped it, how much would I regret it?". This usually encourages me to accept the fact that I need to step out and "feed the sheep" of the Good Sheppard. This is an area that I hope to improve on in my life. I already find myself more and more excited to talk about God to people now, and I hope that this excitement keeps growing.
It mentions John 21 where Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, three times, each time Peter says yes, and Jesus always reply's with "then feed my sheep". It started me thinking about how many chances I've had to "feed His sheep" and I just get to uncomfortable, and scared. When I think of this I'm reminded of a quote from Ken Davis, "Why are people always scared to talk about God, yet when they hurt themselves He's the first god they start talking about?". I find myself to be like this too many times. Sometimes I'm scared to talk to people about God, but when something bad happens... My mouth runs loose too often. Which I find really weird, because when I have a good talk about God with a friend, I feel so refreshed. But yet so many times, I don't talk about God when I know I should. I think we all need to step out of our comfort zone and talk to people about God. I feel like God has given me alot of chances to do this lately. It's up to me to recognize that I need to step out of my comfort zone.
I don't think "feeding His sheep" applies to only non-Christians, don't get me wrong I believe it does apply to them a lot. But I also believe that it applies to other Christians. If we know someone who is having trouble with their walk with God, and not taking His guidance, and is having challenges in life. We need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and talk with them, and help them through. Maybe "reconnect" them with God. If I feel God telling me to talk to someone and I can't "buck up" and step out of my comfort zone, I always think about "what if something bad happens to them, and I could have helped it, how much would I regret it?". This usually encourages me to accept the fact that I need to step out and "feed the sheep" of the Good Sheppard. This is an area that I hope to improve on in my life. I already find myself more and more excited to talk about God to people now, and I hope that this excitement keeps growing.
I find it so hard to keep pushing for something you want to happen. Sometimes it feels like you're "fighting" for the impossible. I heard a quote that I find truth in "Anything that's worth having in life doesn't come easy". I think that if we truly want something we need to be willing to fight for it. Whether it be change in our lives, or fighting to keep a friendship out of trouble, or fighting for something we know is right. I think we need to be determained and push through it. Challenges can be used to our advantage, I beleive we can use them to strengthen our morals, or our character, or our walk with Christ. But if we try take challenges on alone they can hurt us. I have a thought floating through my head lately these days. I still am undecided on my opinion on it, but to me it seems just when I'm getting close to giving up on something I want, I start to think that "Giving up is a cowards way of failing" I don't no where I heard that, or if it's something that I thought up. I'm still confused as to whether it's true or not. But one thing is for sure, I've been challenged by alot of things this summer, and I'd like to say it's drawing me closer to God, and shaping my personality, and I beleive it's bring about change in my life.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Kinda Bummed...Kinda REALLY bummed
So, I was recently informed that Steven Page (lead singer from Barenaked Ladies) was arrested for drug charges. Now I'll admit I have less respect for him now. Especially because he admitted to police that he snorted cocain with a bill, but then in court he pleaded not guilty. Basically he screwed the whole band with this stunt. They've had to cancel shows all over. Plus they were gonna head back into the studio to start recording. All the members of the band still support Steve, according to their band manager. Still I was really bummed to hear this, because I've always thought that BNL's members were above this kind of thing. This was just a harsh awakening to reality for me I suppose.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Intermediate Camp
Before I went to Teen Camp I had the chance to council at Intermediate camp. Once again it was at Covenant Heights Bible camp. It was a great time. I got to meet some really funny and all around great kids, and I really enjoyed counciling them. Along with being a councilor I also played drums for the praise and worship. I must say, I have never seen kids that appreciate drums as much as these kids did. I really liked playing for them. I screwed up countless times, and they didn't notice and told me it was amazing. I found that hilarious but I also really appreciated all the compliments from them. I'm hoping to council, and hopefully drum for Intermediate camp again next year.
Teen Camp
So I'm back from a week at Camp at Covenant Heights Bible Camp. I must say it was definitly a memorible week for me. Alot of interesting, hilarious, and just some straight up weird things happend. I think it was really exactly what I needed, a chance to slow down and appreciate creation, and a Chance to be still and qiuet and listen to the voice of God. Throughout the week I was shown many areas in my life that need improvement, or even a total overhaul. I really think that this week has inspired change in my life. I really appreciate the chance to go. I met alot of new wicked neato people, and hope to keep in touch with them. It was a wicked good time, and I'm hoping to get back out there next year.
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